Jim McGillivray has had some remarkable bagpipes over the past several years. Jim and I talk weekly and sometimes several times in a week. He sends all his work to Dunbar Bagpipes in St. Catharines. I highly recommend both to all. This set was stamped D McDougall EDINr on the bass drone long-joint just below the ferrule. I've flipped the picture below to provide a good look at both stamps.
It's not difficult to spot similarities with other Edinburgh bagpipes. Duncan moved away from Edinburgh styling to create something distinctively "MacDougall".
The bagpipe below bears a similar stamp. You can see the raised beads on the ferrules and on the bushing atop the bell. You can also see scribe lines cut into the ferrules and rings. The cut-in atop the projecting mounts is not present. The mounts have that distinctive concave where the mount faces the wood.
Duncan MacDougall - Edinburgh 1861