Unknown #40

I acquired this bagpipe in the early years when my curiosity with old bagpipes budding. The bagpipe had been through a fire and sustained considerable damage. It arrived without mounts, with cracks, and completely dried out. Truthfully, I didn’t know what I was looking at however decided to fiddle with it. I stripped and oiled the pipes and applied some external whipping. I also crudely fashioned some button mounts. All-in-all it was a great learning experience however I was unable to identify a maker. Years later, looking at the pictures, I noticed the scribe lines on the cord-holders and the bead above the cord holders on the bass drone. These are strong clues that this was David Thow’s work however with so much of the bagpipe missing, I’ve decided to leave it as “Unknown”.

Tenor top is shown opposite a Tweedie tenor top.